Thursday, December 6, 2007

Long Hiatus

Yes, I got caught up with the Christmas rush and frequent get together with friends.

As the designated social coordinator of the group, I was scheduling our get together every week and sometime twice in a week. I am also busy preparing for our Christmas party. On top of that I was also doing my Christmas Shopping.

Still have a few more gifts to buy and hopefully I'll finish everything this week.

On the side, I still managed to squeeze in some shopping for myself. Here's what I bought for the past 2 weeks. I bought a bag from CMG, shoes from Crocs, eye glasses from Mango, a dress and a blouse from Kamiseta.

I also bought some other stuff that I feel are useful: toilet seat cover (this is a must especially here in Philippines wherein some public restrooms are really unbearable), travel john (was thinking to try this when I join hubby in his fishing trips but I'm thinking that it may also be useful in the car for emergency cases especially during the Christmas season wherein traffic is extremely bad), my stash of Bath and Bodyworks lotion (I know I'm suppose to go organic already but this one thing that I really couldn't resist) and a brush for the dogs.

Whew, its just shopping, shopping and more shopping for the Holiday's :)


KikayC said...

oh gosh...i like the crocs shoes.

Rhoda said...

thanks, but the thing is nagka paltos yung small toes ko when i wore it in a shopping marathon :(